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Lucy says, “I woke up one night and it was like my heart was going so fast and so loud like somebody beating on a drum or something. that's when I got fearful cause I thought I was having a heart attack.”
Lucy wasn’t having a heart attack, but she was experiencing heart palpitations that were being caused by acid reflux. “When I would eat I would get that really bad acid-like stinging in my stomach. At one point I couldn't swallow, like down through here, it was painful.” Her doctor gave her some medication, but it did little to alleviate the problem, especially at night. “When I laid down again it started again and it would continue to do that and that was happening every night. I’m getting like one or two hours sleep.”
Lucy suffered for almost 13 years and prayed daily for her healing. “ She said, "You promised me, Lord, you promised you'd never leave me nor forsake me," and said, "This is getting scary."
One morning, she turned on The 700 Club. “They were talking about people with acid reflux and had been healed.” I was sitting on the couch and I said, "Lord, tell them. I wanted Him to tell them, have them give me a word.”
Terry was on the Club and said someone with acid reflux is being healed.
“When she said that, I just felt inside like a change. That's when I was so excited.” Lucy slept through the night for the first time in years and has been symptom-free ever since. She also changed her diet and has started to exercise. She lost almost 50 pounds. “I walk sometimes 10,000 steps a day, so I'm feeling better and doing well. I'm just happy that I can walk all those steps and no heart palpitations. Spiritually, I just feel stronger.“
Now this what i call a miracle