The world of self-lacing Nike sneakers depicted by Marty McFly in "Back to the Future II" is finally a reality.
The new Nike HyperAdapt 1.0 sneakers, which tighten around your feet by themselves, are set to go on sale at Nike's two retail shops in New York City.
However, you may need to sell the DeLorean to afford them. The futuristic kicks retail for $720.
Here's the rundown: The sneakers are battery-powered and tighten to fit your foot when you stand and your heel hits the back.
They can be loosened or tightened by pressing small buttons, and they make a cool sound while doing so, just like the ones Marty McFly pulled on in the hit 1989 sequel.
An LED in the heel lights up when the shoes are tightening and also to signal that the battery is low.
And you'll also need to add the sneaks to the list of household gadgets that require charging, like your phone and your tablet.
The battery that enables the shoes to tighten takes three hours to fully charge, and each charge lasts for two weeks.
The shoes come in two styles, black/white-blue lagoon and metallic silver/black-white.
The new Nikes are the latest prescient moment predicted by "Back to the Future II," which also showed the Cubs ending their 100-plus-year World Series title drought, though the movie was off by a year.
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